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Hi from Yorkshire

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2020 2:59 pm
by Stagger
Hi I have been watching for a short and hope that a rt1100 is ok in this forum if not could someone please redirect me. If I am ok here I have a problem with a 97 rt1100 I bought that was in a state of partly assembled and have just about got it to a condition where it is about ready for MOT, one of the problems with the bike is that it has not been used for 11 years and the wiring and connections have deteriorated so I have spent a lot of time fault finding the electrical faults. The plug /socket for the tank connections was totally missing so I repaired the best I could and seemed to work the bike started ,low fuel worked, fuel gauge obviously not correct but showing something, Thought I could make a better connector for the tank and it is, but for some reason that I cannot work out it will not start now, If I connect a 12volt supply to the fuel pump it starts first touch, so I checked the supply to the connector and I get 12v very briefly on turning on the ignition (12volts almost instantaneously but falling as quickly to zero) but not for the 2 seconds I'm lead to believe it should, on cranking the voltage is battery voltage.
If anyone can suggest where to look next I would be very grateful. Thanks

Re: Hi from Yorkshire

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2020 3:18 pm
by Paul

Welcome along Stagger. You and your RT are indeed most welcome here.

Sadly, I'm no wiz with bike electronics, but I'm sure somebody will be along with some suggestions shortly.

All the best,


Re: Hi from Yorkshire

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2020 4:06 pm
by Stagger
Thanks Paul.

Re: Hi from Yorkshire

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2020 5:06 pm
by Phil K
Welcome Stagger, sorry electrics are a mystery to me too!

Where in Yorkshire are you based?


Re: Hi from Yorkshire

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2020 10:37 am
by nab 301
Stagger wrote:, If I connect a 12volt supply to the fuel pump it starts first touch, so I checked the supply to the connector and I get 12v very briefly on turning on the ignition (12volts almost instantaneously but falling as quickly to zero) but not for the 2 seconds I'm lead to believe it should, on cranking the voltage is battery voltage.
If anyone can suggest where to look next I would be very grateful. Thanks

Welcome to the forum , I have an 1100S which i've owned for years or( nearly decades) but I'm guessing the Rt is similar. I've always assumed the 2 second prime of the petrol pump is triggered by the motronics. I'm assuming then that once the engine is turning over the crank sensors trigger the pump into action via the motronics assuming the side stand switch , clutch switch, and neutral switch are operating correctly . I'm assuming a direct feed to the pump bypasses these safety features. ( A lot of assumptions I know :lol: ) If it did work originally then something has failed or there's still a poor connection in one of the circuits / fuse boxes . Failing that , maybe there's an issue with the motronics unit ? What's the voltage at the pump connector with the engine turning over?