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stay calm ... watch this space

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 3:00 pm
by GRAgusta
Just been to the local Coop to get something for our dinner, I parked Jenny's car next to a red Discovery. 10 minutes later we came back to find a serious scape around the front wing and the Disco gone.

Jenny retained her cool, and spoke to the store manager ... they have the incident on cctv, and said they saw our car move when it was hit. So the police are informed, and our insurance are informed. The store will make the cctv available to the police if they ask for it

The car would be put right on Jenny's protected NCB, but I want to see the muppet tracked down, his insurance pay, and also a discussion with the police about not stopping .... we'll wait and see what transpires :roll:

Re: stay calm ... watch this space

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 8:45 pm
by boxerscott
Good luck Gwaine, Mand always takes up two parking bays, not deliberately I may add but surprisingly the car remains unscathed. Let's hope the police have this kind of incident on their priority list. I doubt it as it happened on private property where the road traffic act may not apply. May best to do your own investigations? Other cameras may have picked the bell end up. :!:

Re: stay calm ... watch this space RESULT

Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2017 3:56 pm
by GRAgusta
Well big thanks are due to Police Scotland .... we now have the insurance details of the guy who perpetrated the crunch and run, and the car is being collected for repair tomorrow with a replacement car delivered in the morning. The guy told the police he didn't notice the impact ... but on the video the police saw our car move.

Anyway ... happy ending.

Re: stay calm ... Final Update

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2017 10:29 am
by GRAgusta
So, the car got repaired in September, whole front bumper renewed after a blank example was supplied and sprayed for colour match. Jenny had a replacement car delivered to the house, and hers delivered back one week later.

We paid £430 excess on the bill.

Then the toe rag told his insurance company that he was innocent, hadn't hit our car, and his insurance refused to pay up.

After lots of chasing up, and us putting the police in contact with his insurance, eventually we HAVE now received a cheque from his insurance to refund our excess.

The police had visited him at his house to tell him they'd seen him on CCTV hit our car, but he still tried to deny it, WTF :evil:

Happy in the end though. :D

Re: stay calm ... watch this space

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2017 1:06 pm
by Humbug
Glad to see it got sorted in the end. PITA to have to do all the chasing yourself though.

Re: stay calm ... watch this space

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2017 2:34 pm
by Grip Fast
Good outcome, but what a pain to go through to get him to stump up. I'd still be tempted to let his tyres down :)

Re: stay calm ... watch this space

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2017 7:58 pm
by slparry
only problem being your insurance will go up next year because of his actions tho'

Re: stay calm ... watch this space

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2017 9:32 pm
by Neil178
Not always Steve. I had a non fault accident a while ago. Some companies will see you as an increased risk and increase the cost but plenty won’t. After my incident I got cheaper insurance with a better company. As always, shop around.
It’s great you got all the money back Gwaine.

Re: stay calm ... watch this space

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 10:18 am
by The Teutonic Tangerine
Neil178 wrote:Not always Steve. I had a non fault accident a while ago. Some companies will see you as an increased risk and increase the cost but plenty won’t. After my incident I got cheaper insurance with a better company. As always, shop around.
It’s great you got all the money back Gwaine.

In 2013 I had a totally my fault accident in my car. Wrote off mine and the other car. Both insured with Admiral both paid out within 7 days of the smash. I had protected No Claims however 6 weeks later when my renewal came through (I had bought an exactly similar car to replace the broken one) My premium had gone up from £245 to £690. I shopped around and got insured, again with protected NCB, for £228.

Later that year I had a Bike accident, totally not my fault however AVIVA suggested it was 40% my fault. When I insured my replacement bike (another R1200ST) my premium was up even though I had protected NCB and I had insured through another company.

I took up the question of blame up with AVIVA who listened to the original phone call when I had reported the crash and they agreed that I had been treated badly - They adjusted the central computer records to show it as a no fault accident against me. I wrote to my current Insurer at the time and they refunded me £118. So my experiences have ended up being OK apart from having two vehicles written off in the space of 4 months and suffering a fractured vertebrae which is still niggling even now.