How long is a modern Beemer designed to last ?

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Re: How long is a modern Beemer designed to last ?

Postby Heyho » Sun Sep 30, 2018 12:59 pm

I think the problem BMW have is that nearly everything used to be massively over-engineered, and would last a lifetime.

Times have changed, the brand has had to change.

From my perspective (over 20 years as a senior technician in a BMW car dealership), although things still tend to be pretty much at the forefront of technology, many aspects of build quality have been pared back to the absolute minimum.

When I first started with the brand, most engines had timing chains, and it was completely unheard of for them to give problems. Try googling "N47 timing chain" to get an idea of how the accountants have changed things.

Probably less relevant to the bikes, but it's the way things are going.

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Re: How long is a modern Beemer designed to last ?

Postby milleplod » Sun Sep 30, 2018 3:01 pm

Hold the's official! :lol:

"BMW has issued a profit warning as a cocktail of new emissions controls, higher costs from dealing with faults and an intensifying trade war put the brakes on the upmarket car company."

Nocto Diuque Venamur

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