Top Hole!

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Top Hole!

Postby Man-of-Mystery » Wed Jan 17, 2007 10:30 am

The parts of the body had a conference to decide which one of them should be in charge of the whole body.

"It should be me," said the brain. "I am the seat of the intellect, and process all the information you send to me."

The blood said, "But where would you be without me? I carry oxygen to the rest of you, and keep you healthy."

"I should be the King of the organs," said the eyes. "Because I see where we are going."

"No, no," said the stomach. "if anyone, it should be me - I process all the food, the fuel for the rest of you to function."

"Ah but without me, you wouldn't get anywhere," said the legs.

"I should rule you all," said the rectum. "Because it is through me that you get rid of all of your waste."

Up to that moment, the debate had been reasonably polite, but when the rectum staked his claim there were hoots of derision from all the others.

In a fit of pique, the rectum ceased working, and shut up entirely... Within a few days the brain had a headache, the blood was toxic, the eyes were watering, the stomach was upset, and the legs were wobbly. Eventually, they all were forced to agree that the rectum had beaten them all, and should be chief of all organs.

The moral of this story is: No matter where you are, there is an arsehole in charge.

07 R1200S

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